Nature – Culture
International PhD Program at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” University of Warsaw
The boundaries dividing contemporary science and scholarship are rapidly dissolving these days. Human
curiosity and innovative research transcend the frontiers that have separated the humanities from life
sciences, social sciences from the arts, exact sciences from scholarly erudition. The PhD Program “Nature –
Culture” is a community of doctoral students, scholars and researchers who come from diverse academic
backgrounds and who enthusiastically embrace interdisciplinary crosspollination in their respective
intellectual pursuits. Hence the two fundamental values underlying the training we offer to our PhD
students: the spirit of team work based on collaborative exchange of ideas and the nurturing of diversity
that fosters innovative thinking.
Prof. Jerzy Axer
“Nature-Culture” is a 5 year-long PhD Programme divided into five closely interrelated sections: “Art and Philosophy”, “Engaged Social Sciences”, “Environment and Anthropology”, “Past for Present”, and “Technophilosophy”. Eighteen doctoral students and fifty professors are involved in an interdisciplinary research conceived to straddle various disciplines within the humanities and sciences. Navigate your way through this website for details concerning our faculty, PhD candidates, research sections, programme guidelines, and international cooperation.